A Lunar Eclipse symbolizes a profound rift or split, a moment when two forces—represented by the Sun and Moon—stand in direct opposition, unable to reconcile. The Earth, caught in the middle, casts its shadow between them, creating a powerful separation.
This cosmic event mirrors the divide between two parts or people, highlighting tension and distance that cannot easily be resolved. Just as the Sun and Moon are briefly cut off from one another, the eclipse suggests an interruption or break in harmony, a time when opposing forces remain in their corners, with no immediate path to unity.
Under eclipses you may experience a significant break or change in your regular schedule. This cosmic event often illuminates the unseen, pushing you to rely more on your intuition rather than the concrete facts and details you’re accustomed to. As the eclipse unfolds, you might find yourself navigating a period where logic takes a backseat to your inner sense of knowing. Instead of focusing on what you can see and know, this is a time to tune into what you’re feeling and picking up on emotionally. Embrace the subtle messages and intuitive insights that come your way, even if they seem unclear or illogical. This eclipse encourages you to trust the emotional currents guiding you, even when the path ahead appears obscured.
Themes for the current Pisces Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse that will take place at 25 deg and occurs on September 17th, 2024:
1. Emotional Release and Purging
Pisces, a water sign ruled by Jupiter (in traditional astrology), governs the unconscious mind, dreams, and deep emotions. A lunar eclipse in Pisces signals the culmination of emotional cycles, often bringing hidden feelings to the surface. It’s a time when unresolved issues, particularly those related to sacrifice, compassion, and idealism, are revealed. During this period, people may experience emotional cleansing or release, often feeling a strong pull to let go of past hurts, guilt, or regrets.
Affirmation: “I release the emotional baggage that no longer serves me."
Journaling Prompt: What past hurts or regrets am I ready to release?
2. Spiritual Awakening and Insight
Pisces is linked to intuition, mysticism, and the unseen realms. During a lunar eclipse in this sign, there’s an opening for spiritual growth and divine messages. Ancient astrologers saw eclipses as portals for receiving guidance from the spiritual world. You may have vivid dreams, heightened intuition, or a sense of connection to the divine or higher self. This period was traditionally seen as a time to seek inner wisdom, perhaps through meditation, prayer, or spending time in nature.
Affirmation: “I trust my intuition and welcome spiritual insights with an open heart.”
Journaling Prompt: How can I better listen to and trust my inner voice?
3. Sacrifice and Surrender
Pisces is associated with themes of sacrifice, and a lunar eclipse in this sign might suggest a period of surrendering personal desires for a greater cause. Traditionally, this eclipse was seen as a moment to reflect on where one’s life may be out of balance due to over-idealism or martyrdom. It may bring realizations around unhealthy emotional boundaries, or the need to let go of illusions and fantasies that no longer serve one's higher purpose.
Affirmation: “I surrender to what is beyond my control and trust the flow of life.”
Journaling Prompt: Where in my life am I holding on too tightly, and what would happen if I surrendered?
4. Endings and Completions
Eclipses traditionally mark endings or major turning points, and in Pisces, these endings often have a more emotional or spiritual tone. It could represent the completion of a karmic cycle, relationships, or patterns of behavior. This is a time to acknowledge what has come full circle and accept the natural closure of certain chapters in life, especially those related to compassion, service, and emotional attachments.
Affirmation: “I embrace endings as opportunities for new beginnings.”
Journaling Prompt: What chapter of my life is coming to a close, and how can I embrace this transition with grace?
5. Health and Vulnerability
Pisces governs the feet and the lymphatic system in medical astrology. A lunar eclipse here could indicate potential health concerns, especially related to these areas. Traditionally, it was seen as a time to be cautious about health, as eclipses were considered malefic events. Sensitivity to toxins, weakened immunity, or emotional overwhelm could be themes during this period. The focus would be on taking care of one’s emotional and physical well-being.
Affirmation: “I honor my body and nurture it with care and love.”
Journaling Prompt: How can I better care for my emotional and physical health during this time?
6. Connection to the Collective Unconscious
In traditional astrology, Pisces governs collective emotions and unconscious influences. A lunar eclipse here can signal shifts not just on a personal level but also in the collective consciousness. There may be heightened sensitivity to societal suffering, a longing to connect with others on an emotional or spiritual level, or awareness of larger humanitarian issues.
Affirmation: “I honor my connection to the collective and strive to be a source of healing and compassion.”
Journaling Prompt: How can I contribute to collective healing and connect more deeply with others?
During this Lunar Eclipse period, it's recommended to embrace introspection and spiritual practices. Take time for meditation, journaling, or quiet reflection to connect with your inner self and uncover hidden insights. Engage in creative activities that allow your imagination to flow freely, and be open to intuitive guidance. This is also a good time to reassess your emotional boundaries and make adjustments as needed. While navigating changes or disruptions in your schedule, trust your instincts and let go of what no longer serves you. Prioritize self-care, especially focusing on emotional and physical well-being, and seek out practices that nurture your spirit and soul. By aligning with the eclipse’s energy, you can facilitate healing, transformation, and a deeper connection to your inner wisdom.
If this eclipse is stirring up emotions or bringing painful endings into focus, you don’t have to navigate it alone. I’m here to help you find clarity and healing during this time of transition. Reach out if you feel ready to explore what this moment means for you.