Mercury Retrograde, starts at 4 degrees Virgo on August 4th, 2024 and ends at 21 degrees Leo on August 28th, 2024.
Mercury is the planet associated with communication, commerce, and transportation. It goes retrograde three or four times a year, depending on its cycle, and stays in retrograde motion for about three weeks each time. During this period of apparent backward movement, plans, projects, contracts, and travel may experience delays or complications. Often, this is a time for reviewing ongoing matters and discovering overlooked details, offering a chance to correct and improve upon the initial draft.
When Mercury retrograde moves through Leo, it encourages us to reassess how confidently we express our opinions and ideas. This period can highlight where we might be holding onto certain ideals too rigidly, mistaking stubbornness for confidence, and thereby narrowing our focus. Leo's influence can lead to a tendency to create narratives around facts, infusing mundane details with grandiose meaning and perceiving life as if something extraordinary is always unfolding. In essence, Mercury in Leo tends to romanticize its journey.
Mercury retrograde in Leo offers valuable lessons in authentic self-expression and communication. It prompts us to reflect on how we convey our thoughts and emotions, emphasizing the importance of clarity, honesty, and authenticity. This period also teaches humility, encouraging us to listen to others' perspectives and consider their input rather than seeking only attention or validation. It's a time to reevaluate our creative endeavors, ensuring they are aligned with our true desires and values. Ultimately, the retrograde helps us refine our communication style, promoting a more genuine and thoughtful approach in both personal and public interactions.
Additionally, Mercury retrograde in Leo can bring about challenges in managing pride and ego, particularly in how we present ourselves and receive feedback. It's an opportunity to practice patience and resilience, especially when faced with misunderstandings or criticism. This period can also inspire a deeper exploration of personal identity and self-worth, urging us to embrace our unique qualities and express ourselves more authentically. By embracing these lessons, we can emerge from this retrograde with a stronger sense of self and a clearer, more honest way of communicating with the world.
This retrograde period will impact mostly those with planets in Gemini, Virgo and Leo.
If you have important decisions to make, contracts to sign and new artistic projects to release, I recommend you book a consultation to check the planetary alignments with your natal chart, so you are better prepared if delays and surprises change your plans.